Not every child in grade school has a suitor or a sweetheart, but for Valentine’s Day they all deserve a special card. Packets of generic valentines tout identical images and inscriptions. Worse yet, another student could hand out that same card! Last-minute shoppers may also find a limited or even sold-out selection if they’ve waited too long.

Luckily for time-pressed moms and teachers too busy grading to spend an afternoon at the store, it’s fast and inexpensive to print custom cards from home using the iClicknPrint Design Center.
With this free, online software from Royal Consumer Products and Geographics, it takes less than an hour to print out personalized valentines for a classroom and be able to use later.
It’s easy, too. All you need is a computer with Internet access, a printer, and paper.
Choose from Geographics® or Royal Brites® wide selection of paper, poster board, accessories and preprinted stationery.
It won’t take long to make your cards. Even the day before Valentine’s Day, a spare hour in the evening is enough to produce a gorgeous line of unique valentines for your classroom.
In terms of design, your valentines can include each student’s name, along with messages and images tailored to each child–something more easily accomplished on a computer than by hand.
Come up with a creative Valentine’s Day haiku or stick to the traditional “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Play with the fonts, text size, and colors to create the best effect–it’s simple with iClicknPrint.
To make the cards really pop in terms of subject and composition, embellish them with clip art ranging from chocolates to cherubs.
The brief messages you include and your choice of images will create truly one-of-a-kind cards, limited only by your imagination. After perfecting your design, just print out the cards and you’re done. Postcard-sized valentines fit four to a page, so the task will be finished in no time–even if you’re making cards for the whole classroom.
By printing your own cards each Valentine’s Day with iClicknPrint, you’ll save money and, perhaps more importantly, time. But cost and convenience aren’t the only benefits. Given the customizable colors, the considerable choices of clip art, and the personalized messages, your Valentine’s Day cards just might be the best ones in the school! In a classroom of 20 or so unique kids, it’s a great way to tell them they’re special.
Plus you’ve learned a cool new skill: the art of the DIY valentine.