Have you printed your Graduation® Party Invitations, yet?
Graduation is fast approaching.
All over the world, generations are studying for exams, planning for the future and of course, preparing for the soon to come graduation ceremonies.
The most sought for graduation stationery is printable design paper, cards and invitations. Grad invites will soon be printed to be sent to relatives and friends requesting attendance to grad parties and ceremonies.
As students and parents start thinking of a fast and inexpensive solution to print Graduation cards and invitations with the goal to save time and money besides having the nicest stationery around, we thought of offering a few practical suggestions.
Geographics® offers the right combination of graduation stationery products that are pre-designed and easy to personalize. The best customization of grad cards and invitations, as well as certificates and diplomas, can be done with free templates, clip art and wording, as a DIY project.
Grad stationery templates allow customers to make fast changes by adding their personal data in designated spaces. Then, save, click and print!
Here are some reasons why should you use Geographics® Graduation Party Invitations and cards to invite family members and friends at student graduation events:
Affordability – great prices;
Product Diversity: Graduation Invitation Kits and separate items like invitations, design paper, envelopes, mailing labels, seals and Calling Cards;
Free Customization with graduation invitation templates, graduation invitation wording and Graduation Clip Art, available in both MS Word and Iclicknprint.com;
Educational Discount Program for schools and Universities which can save institutions up to 25%.
First, purchase the Graduation party invitations of your choice. Then, print them.
There are many ways to print your Graduation Party Invitations.
Either choose free templates, clip art and wording offered by Geographics® or use original text and images that you may have.
Using Geographics® templates removes the step of preparing your layout and helps you finish faster.
Use MS Word Templates, Clip Art and Wording, if you are in a rush. It is the simplest way to personalize your grad invitations. Here is an example from the www.theroyalstore.com website. Click on the image to get you there:

If you want the highest level of customization, using free iClicknPrint design program is your best bet. It was created by Geographics® to offer customers a variety of ready-made, customizable invitations and templates for all stationery, occasions and events, with lots of free clip art and wording. As you can see in the below picture, iClicknPrint software allows you to add your own text or images on a specific item that you purchased. In the images below you can see Clip Art and Suggested Wording that I added from the left menu.

Using Graduation Party Invitations from Geographics® to create personalized invitations for your grad ceremony and celebration is an efficient way to get your things done, while saving time and money!
Let us know how your project came out.