Though you may not have a large budget to spend on printable stationery, there are still plenty of affordable solutions. Geographics® business cards are one solution that solves your problem when it comes to time, money and availability.
People talk about fully embracing the digital path when interacting or promoting a small or medium size businesses.
Do Business Cards still have a purpose?

We’re saying a big YES and here’s why we think this is true. Despite all the digital tools available, so much of what we do in terms of doing business or promoting what we do is this very personal – think about how much sales and marketing are still dependent on the relationships you build with your customers. Most of the trust people have in businesses comes from the direct interaction with the owners or the employees of the company or institution.
How frustrating would it be to find yourself engaged in a conversation with someone who seems genuinely curious and interested in what you do or have to offer and having to scribble on a piece of paper your company’s name, website or contact information. Would you really want to rely on a piece of paper? They could grab their smartphone and look up your website or write your contact details but wouldn’t you rather have them spend that time focusing on meaningful conversation?
A few tips on how to make the best out of Geographics® business cards:
- Choose a blank perforated business card pack or design business cards. If you have a paper cutter, you may choose cardstock in the texture and color that matches your taste or your company’s specs. Geographics® offers a variety of designs and finishes, including gold and silver foil stamped business cards.
- Keep the design simple, elegant and include visual elements that represent with your business such as a logo, a suggestive clip-art or your picture. Slick and elegant Sicily Business Cards would work wonderfully with an art, fashion or even furniture or home-design business while our Butterflies and Roses would be perfect for a photographer or a flower business. All Geographics® cards have MS Word free Templates and you can easily play around with various fonts, colors and alignments using your MS Office editing skills. You may want to choose a matte or glossy finish for visual appeal as well as a fine ivory or foil business cards.
A few tips on how to make the best out of Geographics® business cards
Geographics® also offers IClicknPrint Design Center, an application where you can customize Geo Business Cards while being able to see the chosen item image in the background. The application is offered free to all Geographics® customers and offers many editing tools, among which Merge. Once created, the business card file can be downloaded to be printed, in the form of a PDF file and you can save it in your computer for future use.